Join Our Pilot Program

Exclusively designed for forward-thinking schools & districts seeking to revolutionize the educational experience.

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Benefits of Joining

Influence the Future
Early adopters of the Virtue Pilot Program have a unique opportunity to shape the development of a platform that will impact education for years to come.

Exclusive Access
Participating members gain early access to innovative features and training, putting them ahead of the curve in educational strategies and student engagement.

Special Pricing
Pilot program participants benefit from discounted access, making it an economically advantageous time to join and benefit from the full suite of Virtue's offerings.

2024 Timeline

April - May | Pilot Program Onboarding

During these initial months, our primary focus is on establishing a strong partnership with your team. We will:

- Get to know the unique needs and aspirations of your educational community.

- Assess the technological readiness and infrastructure of your schools to ensure seamless integration of our platform.

- Work closely with your team's point of contact to tailor the pilot program to fit your specific requirements and objectives.

- Begin the process of customizing the software's settings and functionalities based on the preliminary feedback provided by your team.

This phase is dedicated to laying the groundwork for a successful pilot, ensuring that our platform will resonate with and fulfill the needs of both educators and students in your community.

June - July | Testing and Feedback Incorporation

Your feedback is our blueprint. During this phase, we'll:

- Actively adapt our platform based on the real-world classroom experiences shared by your educators.

- Conduct regular check-ins and feedback sessions to gather insights and identify areas for improvement.

- Utilize the feedback to refine and enhance the software, ensuring it effectively meets the dynamic needs of educators and students.

- Prepare for the transition to the training phase, based on the insights and data collected through pilot testing.

Participation in this phase means direct involvement in shaping the final version of the Virtue software, ensuring it is finely tuned to support and enhance educational outcomes for your students.

July - August | Teacher and Admin Training

Equip your team for success with:

- Specialized training sessions designed to maximize the potential of the Virtue software within your educational setting.

- Comprehensive knowledge transfer, enabling educators and administrators to navigate and utilize the platform effectively.

- Hands-on workshops and support materials to ensure confidence in using the software's features and capabilities.

- Follow-up support and Q&A sessions to address any questions and ensure a smooth transition into the new school year.

Our goal during this phase is to empower your educators and administrators with the skills and knowledge necessary to leverage the Virtue software effectively, maximizing its impact on student learning and engagement.

The time is now.

The journey towards a more personalized, engaging, and effective educational experience starts with a single step.

By participating in the Virtue Pilot Program, you will not only be at the forefront of educational innovation but also play a crucial role in shaping the future of learning for students everywhere.

Let's embark on this transformative journey together. The future of education is bright with Virtue, and you can lead the way. Join us in making history, creating a legacy of innovation and excellence that will echo through generations of learners.

For more information and to become a part of this groundbreaking initiative, reach out today. The opportunity to redefine education and empower every student's journey is within our grasp. Let's seize it together.


Can I edit assignments after they are generated?

Yes, after we create personalized worksheets, you have the flexibility to edit them. This ensures you can further tailor the content or adjust it to meet your students' needs and learning objectives more closely. Additionally, these automatically created worksheets provide a strong starting point, further assisting teachers in delivering personalized education efficiently.

Will this require significant time and effort to set up in my classroom?

Setting up Virtue is streamlined to be as straightforward as possible, with guides for inputting your curriculum and understanding students' aspirations. The initial investment is minimal compared to the long-term benefits of increased student engagement and personalized learning.

How does you ensure fairness in grading with personalized education?

We guarantee fairness in grading by keeping our assessment criteria consistent and objective across all students. Although we personalize the delivery of concepts to align with each student's interests, we do not alter the grading standards. The objective rubrics, which educators are accustomed to, remain unchanged. This approach allows us to engage students with tailored content without compromising the integrity and fairness of assessments.

What measures are taken to ensure the privacy and security of student data?

We ensure student data privacy and security by using OAuth for secure log-ins with Google accounts, approved for its high standards. Our strict privacy policies comply with educational data protection standards, securely storing information and restricting access to authorized users only.